May is ALS Awareness Month. Learn more about what you can do to end ALS with MDA.

Hope Through Research

At MDA, we take a big picture perspective across the full spectrum of neuromuscular diseases to uncover scientific and medical breakthroughs that accelerate treatments and cures. The power in our research approach is that we can often apply learnings from one disease to progress in others to bring urgently-needed answers to our families.

2017 MDA Scientific Conference – Sponsors and Circle of Strength Members

The Muscular Dystrophy Association is grateful to the following companies for sponsoring its 2017 Scientific Conference focused on increasing knowledge of disease causes, identifying new therapeutic targets and innovative technologies, and discussing new advances in preclinical and clinical research — all aimed at accelerating drug development and targeted treatments for more than 40 neuromuscular diseases. Together with our sponsors, MDA is working to help individuals affected by these conditions live longer and grow stronger.

Hope Sponsors:
Marathon Pharmaceuticals

Sarepta Therapeutics

Platinum Sponsors:



Champions Reception Sponsor:

Poster Session Sponsor:
Bristol-Myers Squibb

Poster Session and Reception Sponsor:

Wi-Fi & Charging Station Sponsor:
Acceleron Pharma

Coffee Break Sponsors:
Idera Pharmaceuticals

Ionis Pharmaceuticals

Wave Life Sciences

Pen Sponsor:

Notepad Sponsor:
Summit Therapeutics

MDA also expresses appreciation to the following for their support and contributions as members of the 2017 Scientific Conference Circle of Strength:


Amicus Therapeutics

Santhera Pharmaceuticals (USA), Inc.


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